1-1 Coaching

 1-1 Coaching
We all have the capacity to evolve into who we would like to be, we just need the tools, the direction and the commitment to our growth.
After almost 6 years of running the mindfulness for individuals course and working with people on a 1-1 basis, I have decided to create something special for those who want to experience real life changes and connect to the practice on a deep level.

Real change comes from consistent practice and commitment and sometimes we need extra support to achieve this.

90 days is the optimal amount of time to create new habits and witness deep transformations. There are also usually deeper levels of emotional healing needed that can only be recognised through regular 1-1 sessions with personal guidance.

I have created this 12 week programme to help you show up in life as your best self. You will learn to let go of early defence mechanisms that have turned into self limiting and sometimes self destructive behaviours.
Always remember that well-being is a skill! And to be skilled in anything we must practice and submerge ourselves in what we would like to be skilled at.
This is for you if ...

  • You want to take self development to the next level and deepen your practices 
  • You are ready to create and maintain healthy relationships free from conflict
  • You would like to heal old wounds that keep you in unhealthy relationship patterns
  • You want to understand and overcome the negative thinking/feelings that are limiting your life
  • You want to learn how to meet your own emotional needs so you can show up secure and full of self love
  • You would like to overcome anxiety and fear based thinking that keeps you reactive or trapped in indecision
  • You would like to become calm and confident
The 1-1 programme will be personally tailored to YOU and YOUR needs 

Methods Used

Inner child healing 
Self Inquiry
Somatic healing (Processing emotions properly)
What will the programme include? 

  • Free exploration call 
  • Weekly 60 min private sessions
  • Daily access to me via text/emails
  • Recorded and live guided meditations
  • Action plan- feel confident and calm moving forward
  • 1 free check in call after completion 
Other Options
The 12 week programme is just one of the 1-1 options available at OTC. If you would like to discuss other affordable coaching and mentoring support please get in touch by filling in the form below or contacting Sara on 07415452605

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